Kyocera KX Driver - Introduction

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  45  minuti
Il tuo prezzo: 0,00 €

Breve descrizione

  • This course introduces you to the different driver types for Kyocera devices and their pros and cons. Learn about the advantages you have when using the device specific or the universal KX driver.

Obiettivi di gruppo

  • Service Technician / Manager

Contenuti teorici e pratici

  •       • Driver Technologies
          • KX Driver
          • Scenarios for user-created profiles
          • Administrator settings & centralized profiles

La partecipazione a questo corso di formazione vi darà

  • evaluate the advantages of the specific printer driver package compared to the classic drivers.
  •       • describe the operating concept and the user interface of the KX Driver.
          • define and save profiles for common configurations and recall sample
          • scenarios which improve the operation of the KX Driver.
          • differentiate between the possible administrator settings that can be applied to the corresponding devices.


Questo modulo del corso è un "pacchetto" che contiene altri moduli del corso.

Kyocera KX Driver - Exam
TST Test | 10 minuti | Inglese